Welcome to the Keck Memorial Library Catalog!
Log into your library account and check out Tumblebooks; Libby (Bridges) and Brainfuse. Online to learn over . All located under references on this page.
Electronic Resources
Sorry, access to electronic resources is suspended until issues are resolved. Please see My Account for details.
Libby Login Needed In-Library Use Only Access the library’s digital collection of eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, and magazines through OverDrive or Libby. |
TumbleBooks Login Needed In-Library Use Only TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of animated, talking picture books which teach young children the joys of reading. |
Brainfuse Login Needed In-Library Use Only JobNow: one-of-a-kind career assistance that covers all major aspects of job hunting. Adult Learning Center: providing academic assistance designed for adult learners. VetNow: supporting the community’s veterans and their families with locating eligible benefits, live online academic tutoring, employment transition assistance, and finding community resources. |
Accelerated Reader List Login Needed In-Library Use Only List of Accelerated Reader tests. |